Thursday, February 12, 2009

Disturbance Ecology

Because of the high frequency of floods along most rivers and streams, disturbances have important effects on stream and riparian communities.

Further Reading

1) Here is a link to a chapter entitled - The response of animals to disturbance and their roles in patch generation. that Mike Willig and I wrote for a book Ecosystems of Disturbed Ground. The first portion of this chapter talks about our view of disturbance

2) The Fire Ecology Factsheet-

3) Slideshow

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be able to

- define disturbance
- list examples of disturbances
- distinguish between a disturbance and a disaster
- discuss the characteristics of a disturbance regime
- discuss some adaptations of organisms to disturbances
- discuss why disturbances are natural parts of many ecosystems
- discuss the intermediate disturbance hypothesis
- discuss issues related to flooding

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