Thursday, January 29, 2009


Here are links to the "Water on the Web" slideshows that I used in class.

Streams I. River Structure and Hydrology

Streams II. Hydrology

Streams III. Physical Factors

Further Reading



Stream Morphometry-

River Structure and Hydrology

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course a fully engaged students should be able to

- discuss the 4 dimensions of stream systems
- discuss how variation in climate and topography can influence a stream
- calculate the "stream order" of a stream
- diagram the cross section of a stream channel
- discuss the meandering of rivers
- discuss differences in the conditions found on the "inside" and "outside" of a meander
- discuss riffles and pools


Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course the fully engaged student should be able to

- discus the relationship between discharge, area, and velocity
- interpret a hydrograph
- define and discuss overland flow
- define and discuss floods
- interpret flood recurrence intervals
- discus how human activity has altered floods
- discuss erosion and the transportation of sediments, particiularly the relationship between velocity and sediment size
- discus patterns of sediment deposition

Physical Factors

Expected Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course a fully engaged student should be abl to

- discuss how the current influences distribution, morphology, and behavior of stream organisms
- describe and explain the longitudinal sediment distribution
- describe the effect of sediment on stream organisms
- discus adaptations of stream organisms for obtaining oxygen

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